Interjuv Med Georgie
J-14: Can you tell us what people can expect from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader?
Georgie Henley: I think it kind of takes the best elements and wraps it up into more of a punchier kind of film. I just think that it's got a lot of that Narnia magic that people kind of look forward to, but it's also really funny and there's still that action side to it. So, I think people are really going to enjoy it. I think they're in for an experience!
J-14: What would you say was the hardest scene to film?
GH: I think definitely a lot of the water scenes were very difficult just because it's very technically challenging for the camera crew and lighting crew to get all these different elements kind of working at the same time, and also quiet physically tiring. A lot of the time it was outside, so you got Australian heat beating down on you and then you're in a tank full of water and treading water for quite a while.
J-14: What was it like working with a green screen and all the characters that weren't really there? Was that hard?
GH: It's kind of mind-blowing to see it all on a big screen, but I think it kind of brings back the fact that you know it was quite difficult interacting with all the creatures that practice makes perfect. You kind of become more accustomed to it, and I think after seeing Reepicheep in the second film also gives you more of an idea on how he's gonna look and how he's gonna react. We have a stuffed toy, which is really cute.
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